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Health Club Facilities

Health Club Facilities

1.  many of you will probably take a fitness class or join a health club at some point in your life.  What questions could you ask yourself before joining a facility?

~Is the facility clean with high quality equipment?

~Is the facility conveniently located and offer hours of operation that suit your schedule?

~Does the facility have a locker room, enough showers and provide towels.

~Are the membership fees within your budget?

~Is the facility too crowded and are the members people that you fit in well with?

~Does the facility have a variety of equipment and programs to shoes from?

~Does the facility have a gym and racquetball/tennis courts?

2.  Now that you have selected a high quality facility, how are you going to know that the instructors or trainers you take classes from ar qualified?

~By looking for the following characteristics:

~the instructor should have a professional license, or training certificate from a reputable organization.

~The instructor should be highly recommended to you by a physician or a known expert in the field.

~The instructor should be able to answer questions regarding the exercise program that includes information you can understand and use in your life.

~The instructor should be CPR and standard first aid certified.

~The instructor should participate regularly in continuing education programs.

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