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Body Composition

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1. What is the secret to improving your body composition?

~regular exercise and eating a healthy diet.

2. Did you eat breakfast this morning? If so, what did you eat?




3. Eating breakfast is very important. Why?

~Your body needs fuel after a long break it had between dinner and the morning. It will provide you with much needed energy for the rest of the day. You'll less tired during the morning hours.

4. What are some healthy choices you can make for breakfast?

~cereal, fruit, fruit juices and milk
~Whole wheat toast
~french toast, pancakes...

5. Do you think that participating in strength and endurance exercises will improve your body composition?

~ Yes, because metabolism occurs in our muscles. The stronger and more efficient our muscle are, the more calories we will burn.

6. What are the 3 nutrients that give us energy?

~CARBOHYDRATES- (60%) Main source of energy
Examples: Grains, whole wheat bread, pasta, rice, vegetables

~FATS-(30%) Provided energy, excess energy stored as fat
Examples: butter, fatty meats, lard...

~PROTEIN- (30%) repairs tissue, regulates water/acid base balance, helps in growth and provides some energy.
Examples- leans meats. beans, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, nuts

7. What kinds of foods do you need to eat the most of each day?



8. Why is it important that you drink water while working out?

~To replenish lost fluids. As you sweat, you lose important fluids that help your body function and will help you feel and look good.

9. What is the scientific name for water?

10. How does water help us to feel and look better?
~Because it helps in the digestion and movement of our food so we don't become constipated. It also helps maintain healthy skin (less acne) and hair (shiny). Some people even get headaches when they are dehydrated.

11. What are some symptoms of dehydration?

~thirst is the last symptom, if you are thirsty you are already dehydrated.

12. How much water should you drink a day?

~Half your body weight in ounces
Example- If you weigh 100 lbs, you should drink 50 ounces of water a day.

~repair, build and maintain muscle
~not primary source of energy
~when involved in weight training, muscle tissue is broken down and a process called anabolism rebuilds the muscle. 
~When the amount of protein in your diet increases, your body will build new muscle tissue.
~If protein intake is insufficient, protein will be broken down and used for energy.
~Excess protein may be converted to fat.

~least abundant nutrient stored in the body and the main source of fuel for energy.
~60 to 65% of diet
~during digestion, complex carbs are broken down into glucose.
~Glucose travels through the circulatory system as the main source of energy for refueling liver and muscle burned during exercise.
~Simple sugars are divided into 2 categories:
Monosaccharides: glucose and fruitose in fruits
Disaccharides: lactose or milk sugar
~Starchy carbohydrates are made up of polysaccharides and provides a slower, more steady release of glucose into the bloodstream.
~Sources of starchy carbohydrates: oatmeal, grits, potatoes, sweet potatoes, brown rice, yams, lima beans, kidney beans, peas, lentils and other 

~To use fat as an effective source of energy, sufficient carbohydrate must
be present in your diet.
~Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's) are used din several muscle building 
processes such as releasing growth hormone and keeping
connective tissue and cell membranes strong and healthy.
~Examples of EFA's are sunflower, safflower, linseed or flaxseed oil.
~Foods containing body fat such as beef are referred to as long chain 
triglycerides. LCTs must first be broken down in the intestines before 
they can be digested.
~Enzymes reduce the fat into fatty acids which travel across the membrane
of the intestines where they are converted back into fat.
~30% of american diet can consist of fat






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