1. What is the overload principle?
~ increasing the amount of activity or exercise
you normally do
2. How can you apply the overload principle to your workout?
~ Increase the frequency, intensity and or time (duration) of your workout.
3. How would you apply progressive overload to your workouts?
~Gradually increase the frequency, intensity and or
time of your workouts. For example:
increase the number of workouts
Intensity-increase the resistance and or number of repetitions
Time- increase how long,
the distance or number of sets
4. Why is progression
overload important for improved fitness?
~By progressively or gradually increasing the amount of exercise or activity that you do, you will improve your overall
fitness levels faster and with less chance of injury because you are doing it gradually. Always listen to your body's signals.Your
body will tell you when you have done enough.
5. How would you apply the concept specificity to your workouts?
~By selecting activities or exercises that will exercise
the muscles and systems that are specific to your goals. For example: only the muscle that you exercise will get stronger.
You must choose the muscles you exercise based on your overall goals so you are able to achieve the results you want.
6. What is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic workouts?
~ An aerobic workout is when you are working at an intensity
that is hard but you can breathe. During aerobic workouts you are supplying blood and oxygen to the working muscles. Anaerobic
means "without oxygen." Anaerobic workouts require you to work at a high intensity and only last and short time.
7. What is interval training?
straining is when you alternate high intensity physical activities (anaerobic) with lower intensity physical activities (aerobic)
8. What are
the benefits of interval training?
~ By exercising both aerobic and anaerobic systems, you will be able to improve your performance in both areas and
improve overall fitness.
9. Define the following
~agility- ability to rapidly and accurately
change the direction and position of your body.
example-downhill skiing
~balance- ability to control your
equilibrium while moving or staying still.
example-walking on a balance beam
ability to use your eyes and ears to direct the smooth movement of your body.
example- juggling
~power- ability
to move swiftly while applying maximum force
example- throwing the discus
~reaction time- ability to react quickly
to what you hear, see or feel.
example-starting a sprint race
~speed- ability to perform a movement
in a short period of time.
example- wide receiver in football